Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Eamon has been answering everything with a scream. He answers people with a scream, Addy with a scream, toys with a scream, splashes with a scream, birds with a scream, food with a scream, the phone ringing with a scream... you get the point. He especially likes to scream at mealtime (right about the time he starts getting full). Yesterday, I took a video of him having a snack and screaming.

I sent this video to Bren's phone, but he didn't get a chance to view it until he got home. When he opened the video at home, Eamon was next to him. And when Eamon heard himself screaming on daddy's phone, he of course had to scream in response. (Even Addy wanted to come see what the commotion was about!)

This, too, shall pass. Right?!?


Erica said...

That's halarious! He's just discovering his higher octaves :)

Mary said...

Ha! My computer couldn't even handle the decibles! I am still chuckling to myself. That Eamon . . .

Mary said...

Oh-and so glad to be a blogger buddy with you (although my latest efforts are dropping off. . . )